Last night after Opening Night Show campers retreated to the Front Lawn for a big game of Capture the Flag. Capture the Flag has been a long-standing ...
Last night after Opening Night Show campers retreated to the Front Lawn for a big game of Capture the Flag. Capture the Flag has been a long-standing ...
Session 4 Opening Day is coming to a close. It was a pleasure meeting all our new Huawni families and welcoming back our veteran campers. Today’s been...
Camp Huawni has had the great opportunity to be featured in Portfolio San Antonio Tu Pasaporte a los Negocios, a local news magazine. We have been for...
On Wednesday, all of camp gathered for Tribal Competition team day. The entire day was made up of 8 team events: Soccer Kick Around the Pool, Hot Shot...
Here’s some updated pictures from our day on Sunday. Sunday is one of my favorite days of camp, and it did not disappoint. We had a very peaceful Sund...
Alot has happened in the past 36 hours here at Camp. My apologies for just now posting. For the 4th of July, our hamburger cookout on Flagpole was jus...
A handful of years ago we sat down after the summer to see if and how we might be able to make Tribal Competition better. This was a high calling, sin...