Switching Up Playday
Hello, I’m Angel O’Brien. This is my second summer being a counselor at Camp Huawni. I am from Denison, TX. I also and going to be graduating from Okl...
Hello, I’m Angel O’Brien. This is my second summer being a counselor at Camp Huawni. I am from Denison, TX. I also and going to be graduating from Okl...
Hello there! For those who don’t know me, my name is Bethanney and this is my second year at camp. As this is my first time writing a blog post for ca...
Yesterday at Camp Huawni was one of those days where everyone I ran into was in a good mood. We are getting into our Session 3 groove. Counselors are ...
Staff meeting is one of my favorite times of the day and it’s been around for as long as I’ve been alive. What is Staff Meeting? Staff Meeting is dail...
Session 3 is underway! We are so happy to have your Session 3 kiddos. From all reports yesterday was our smoothest Opening Day of the summer. I unfort...
Our final day is both restful and fun. This morning was Summer Tree, which affords campers and staff the opportunity to share what is on their hearts....
Surprisingly, the weather at Camp has been pretty good. We did not get any rain this morning during activity period time and campers were able to enjo...