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Huawni News

First Full Day of Camp

First Full Day of Camp

Our first full day of camp is in the books and we’re rolling here in Session 2. Yesterday our twelve activity groups enjoyed everything from critter t...

Opening Day Session 2

Opening Day Session 2

Yesterday we welcomed a record 157 campers. Before supper campers were amped up to start our first two-week session of the summer. I thoroughly enjoye...

Soccer, Swim  Snow Cones

Soccer, Swim Snow Cones

Thankfully yesterday we dodged the rain in the region. That was a blessing, because it allowed us shape up the soccer field a bit, paint the lines, an...

Open House - Saturday, June 21

Open House - Saturday, June 21

Summer Camp. You’ve always heard of the fun, excitement, and growth that your friends’ children have gotten out of going, but for you it’s still a mys...

Day 3 Hike  Cookout

Day 3 Hike Cookout

Yesterday we officially hit “the turn”, our nickname for the mid point of Camp. It’s hard to believe that there’s only two and a half days left of Cam...

Day 2 of Camp

Day 2 of Camp

The sun shined all day yesterday and last night was just perfect for cane pole fishing. Our work crew cut about 100 cane poles for campers, and for ma...

Rainy Fun  Talent Show

Rainy Fun Talent Show

The rain did not slow us down; in fact, it may have ramped up our first day of Camp. Thankfully yesterday was mostly just a rain shower, which allowed...