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Huawni News

Celebrate With Huawni!

Celebrate With Huawni!

Birthdays are fun at home, but a birthday at camp is an occasion to be remembered! If you’ve ever seen a birthday celebrated here, you know that each ...

Welcoming Our New Counselors

Welcoming Our New Counselors

Orientation is in full swing at camp, and the counselors couldn’t be more excited to be here! The magic of Huawni is easy to see when the camp staff c...

Follow Us On Pinterest

Follow Us On Pinterest

Camp Huawni is a throwback to a simpler time and place. Back before cell phones and laptops. Back before video games and television took over our sche...

Packing Your Trunk Like A Pro!

Packing Your Trunk Like A Pro!

Summer Camp is just around the corner! And we want you to be prepared for our great adventures at Huawni. Below is a list of what to pack for Camp AND...