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Huawni News

4th of July  Sunday

4th of July Sunday

The weekend here at Huawni was a full one, and Sunday in particular is one of my personal favorites. Saturday night we celebrated the 4th of July with...

Pinson Creek Adventure  Soccer

Pinson Creek Adventure Soccer

The first Friday at Camp is what we call the turn, which means Camp is picking up a healthy momentum. You can see this in the relationships that kids ...

Play Day  Skit Night

Play Day Skit Night

Wednesday morning during Flag Raising we hit the song Chicken Train and Play Day got kicked off. When that song plays over the speakers, campers go ru...

Capture the Flag  Sing Song

Capture the Flag Sing Song

Camp is in full swing. There’s something about the start of Camp this brings a unique energy to all of us here. For the campers, I believe it’s the ex...